Don't Sell It, Pawn It!

Thanks to you and your fellow UPMA members, the circulation of Sound Money is on the rise. Yet impediments remain. Potential capital gains ranks chief among these.

When one exchanges paper notes for gold dollars or gold dollars for goods and services, no capital gains accrue. Yet converting gold dollars back to paper may give rise to a capital gain. In view of the gold price, measured in paper dollars, having soared by nearly 75% over the past five years, capital gains can create a powerful disincentive to selling gold to pay paper dollar-denominated bills, especially on a short to mid-term basis.

Fortunately, UPMA members now have a viable path for accessing the value of their precious metals currency without running the risk of triggering capital gains. By pawning their gold or silver, instead of selling it, members can now load their UPMA debit cards.

This new service, designed to further encourage the use of your precious metal holdings for everyday transactions, is readily available through each member’s online account portal. A modest monthly fee of 20 basis points applies. Annually, this amounts to less than 2.5% of the pawned specie.

For more information on how this works and how to leverage this new exciting feature, please visit the new resource article on the topic here.

Invite Your Friends and Family!

Empower your friends and family with the Sound Money solutions you’ve discovered at UPMA. Last time you logged into, you may have noticed something new on your My Profile page — a Referral Link.

You now can earn up to $1,000 per year from the net exchanges of your recruited community for any of the sound money options offered by UPMA to its members. In addition, you’ll receive 10% of the member dues paid by those who accept your invitation. So at the very least you can defray your own costs of membership.

So, feel free to share your referral link with your friends and family, and watch the thank you credits pile up annually in your account.

Upgrades to the Member Site.

The website experience when members login to use their UPMA accounts has been significantly upgraded. Users are encouraged to send feedback for the new interface to the office, especially if any bugs are encountered. The new site will more easily allow for additional future developments and improvements. One improvement is that members should receive email notifications when making deposits.

If you have any questions or concerns then please contact us.