May Updates

Business has been busy for the past couple of months but there isn’t a whole lot else to report. A member pointed out that the Newsroom has been quiet so I figured I’d throw some thoughts up. Members are still coming by the office, some of our team members are still working remote, and the coders are working away on website improvements. We also have some rebranding in development that will be announced sometime in the coming month. It’s going to be really appreciated and well done.

I’m quite certain that Utah County is the most populous county in America that never had any sort of lockdown order. Life has been relatively normal here. Cars are driving by and only 1/3 people is wearing a mask. With that said Covid cases have been uncommon here. Life doesn’t feel very disrupted. A member donated us a couple boxes of N95 masks. We’ve been giving them away. If you feel like you really need one then please just ask (if you make it to the office).

One question that we’ve been getting a lot is whether or not people can just buy Goldbacks at our office in Alpine. You can. It happens maybe 2 to 10 times a day. In fact overall Goldback sales are nuts. Some of the other big names sell them now like JMBullion and APMEX but our prices are more competitive when we don’t need to ship. People pay about $3 a Goldback when they come in. The 2020s are in now.

If you have any feedback for the website or anything else then please let us know by emailing us at [email protected].