The United Precious Metals Association is working on a national campaign so that everyone can enjoy the 0% buy/sell spread on gold and silver accounts.
Are Interest Bearing Gold Accounts on the Horizon?
Summary of the 2018 Monetary Summit
Gold on the Blockchain: The Ins and Outs of Quintric
An Overview of Metal Cryptos
Building a Currency to Stand the Test of Time
Why Quint May Be One of the Last Cryptocurrencies
Quint is the only Crypto that is considered a currency by America.
How much Quint can exist?
New Legal Tender Cryptocurrencies are Here
UPMA Launches First Cable TV ad
In early November UPMA launched our first television ad. While we now have members in every state, the ad will be played on cable tv in Utah. We may also use the same ad on other online platforms in order to reach a wider audience. We continue to grow.
The thirty second spot can be seen here on our YouTube channel.
The Case for Buying Silver in 2018
Annual Summit
Annual Summit & Ribbon Cutting Scheduled for: Sept 9th.
Why we Encourage People to Save in Gold.
UPMA Summit Speaker Announced: Rep. Mark Finchem
Every year the United Precious Metals Association holds a summit that is open to the membership to elect board members and discuss key issues surrounding legal tender gold and silver. Last year Rep. Ken Ivory announced legislation in Utah, the year before Overstock Chairman Jonathan Johnson spoke at the event. These speeches can be seen on the website.
This year Arizona Rep. Mark Finchem will be our keynote speaker, Rep. Finchem is currently one of the UPMA board members and was able to successfully sponsor and help pass legislation in Arizona. The new law removes capital gains taxes from the sale of gold and silver within the state among other things similar to the Utah Legal Tender Act of 2011.
As of yet a date has not been set for the 2017 annual summit.