Why Should I Join?

Everybody knows that precious metals such as gold and silver are the safest place to store value as sound money.  However, most people just buy precious metals, hide them in their closet, put them under their mattress, throw them into a home safe or pay outrageous fees for somebody else to store them.   With UPMA, not only can you efficiently store your coins but you can extend the value of precious metals through our following benefits:

  • Buy Gold and Silver coins and Sell them at the Same Price.  Normally, when you go into a coin store and purchase $2000 worth of coins, as soon as you walk out the door they are only worth $1850.  At UPMA, when you buy $2000 worth of coins, you can sell them back for $2000. Members sell at the same price that UPMA uses on a daily basis.  (Members benefit from a 0% buy/sell spread)

  • Put yourself on a Gold Backed Currency
    You can fund your UPMA account by Check, Wire, Precious Metals or Cash (if at the office).  Now that your account is funded, you can easily access your wealth by a linked debit card.  Congratulations!  You are now running your finances backed by precious metals (sound money) but still have all the flexibility of using a standard debit card!

  • Flexibility
    UPMA makes it easy to acquire, store, sell and receive precious metals.  You can easily fund your account from home, office, or in person and in any increments, either large or small.    We do all the work of acquiring and safely storing your precious metals and your investment is fully insured.    We eliminate all the hassles of buying, selling and storing precious metals for a minimal monthly fee.   However, sometimes you just want to have coins in your possession.  No problem, you can receive physical possession of your wealth at any time.


(You will thank yourself in the future!)

 The United Precious Metals Association (UPMA) was established in response to the passage of the Utah Specie Legal Tender Act in early 2011. UPMA aims to provide viable choices in currency; offering accounts denominated in U.S. minted gold and silver dollars as well as free Goldback accounts. Members benefit from 0% buy/sell spreads and low vaulting costs. UPMA is a Cooperative operating on a non-profit basis. Alpine Gold Exchange offers vaulting and other supportive services to the membership



We have a flat monthly membership cost and inexpensive vaulting.

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Private information is encrypted and paper backups are printed daily.

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New* Order Goldbacks

Easy online withdrawal, fast checkout, and shipping.

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Legal Tender Gold & Silver

We exclusively use sound money: U.S. minted coins, due to the tax advantages.

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0% Buy/Sell Spread

Most gold dealers guarantee a $40-$70 loss per coin when selling back. Not here.

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How to make a deposit

Learn how to fund your UPMA account.

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